Sean's Blog

A simple Hugo theme based on the Bootstrap v4 blog example.

Windows Desktop Search Powershell Cmdlet

Microsoft are introducing a new command line shell named PowerShell, previously known as Monad. The main difference between PowerShell and other shells like cmd, bash, ksh etc. is the pipelining and processing of objects as opposed to plain text. I had previously used the Windows Desktop Search API to write a music browser and thought it would be useful to create a Windows Desktop Search Powershell cmdlet to allow users to query their search index from the command line. Read more →

Virtualearth Add in for Windows Media Center with Geocoded Pictures

As I mentioned in my previous post I have a basic Virtual Earth add-in for Windows Media Center that works within the Media Center UI and is usable with the remote control. I’ve now added support for integrating geocoded pictures with the Virtual Earth add-in. So next time someone asks you where a particular photo was taken while watching a slide show you can pop-up the Virtual Earth add-in which will center the map on the photo’s location and show a pushpin on the map. Read more →

Virtual Earth Media Center Add In

I’ve been playing around with a VirtualEarth HTML add-in for Windows Media Center. I’ve got a number of features lined up but I’ve been side tracked with other work so I’ve only got the basics implemented so far. Remote control keys: Panning - use the arrow keys Zooming - use the channel +- keys Map Style - use the 1,2,3 keys to toggle map styles between road, aerial and hybrid In addition since the text labels on the map have been sized for viewing on a regular monitor with a 2 foot experience I’ve added a local zoom option. Read more →

Indexing your complete browser history using MSN Desktop Search

The MSN Desktop Search application is an evolutionary version of the standard Indexing Service that has been shipping as part of Windows since Windows 2000. They both make use of the same IFilter components to allow third parties to add indexing support for their file formats. One of the standard IFilter components is one that parses html documents. Read more →